1 Subgenus Acutifolia

1.1 Sektion Acutifolia

1.1.1 Subsektion Acutifolia Species group 1: Species with resorption furrow at branch leaf margins Species group 2: Species with more or less lingulate stem leaves and lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate branch leaves Species group 3: Species with triangular to triangularlingulate stem leaves and lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate branch leaves Species group 4: Species with more or less triangularlingulate, apical pointed stem leaves Species group 5: Species with more or less lingulate stem leaves and elongated ovate branch leaves Species group 6: Species with ovate stem leaves

1.2 Sektion Insulosa

1.3 Sektion Squarrosa

1.4 Sektion Polyclada

2 Subgenus Cuspidata

2.1 Sektion Cuspidata

2.1.1 Species group 1: Species with fringed or ripped stem leaves

2.1.2 Species group 2: Species with triangular-lingulate to lingulate stem leaves

2.1.3 Species group 3: Species with triangular stem leaves

2.1.4 Species group 4: Species with ovate stem leaves

2.2 Sektion Mollusca

3 Subgenus Rigida

3.1 Sektion Rigida

4 Subgenus Sphagnum

4.1 Sektion Sphagnum

4.1.1 Species group 1: Species with comb fibrils alongbranch leaf chlorophyll cells

4.1.2 Species group 2: Species with lengthwise or netlike structures along branch leaf chlorophyll cells

4.1.3 Species group 3: Species with papillae along branch leaf chlorophyll cells

4.1.4 Species group 4: Species with smooth, inverted triangular branch leaf chlorophyll cells

4.1.5 Species group 5: Species with smooth, elliptic branch leaf chlorophyll cells

5 Subgenus Subsecunda

5.1 Sektion Subsecunda

5.1.1 Species group 1: Species with one layered stem cortex, elliptic to rectangular chlorophyll cells and only two rows of pores on branch leaf hyaline cells

5.1.2 Species group 2: species with one-layered cortex and more than two rows of pores on the hyaline cells

5.1.3 Species group 3: Species with one-layered stem cortex and invert-triangular chlorophyll cells

5.1.4 Species group 4: Species with multilayered cortex, elliptic to rectangular chlorophyll cells and only two rows of pores on branch leaf hyaline cells

5.1.5 Species group 5: Species with multilayered stem cortex and more than two rows of pores on the branch leaf hyaline cells

5.1.6 Species group 6: Species with multilayered stem cortex and invert-triangular chlorophyll cells

5.2 Sektion Hemitheca

6 Keinem Subgenus zugeordnet

6.1 Sektion Acocosphagnum

6.2 Sektion Acrosphagnum

6.3 Sektion Inretorta

6.4 Sektion Isocladus

7 Autor

8 Literatur